2008年6月13日 星期五

intelligent fool

Einstein said: Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.

Recently, one of my former colleagues phoned me and discussed some research details.
He is eager to make it published in a good journal.
He tried hard to create tons of figures and data which is required for publishing a paper in a good journal.
But I doubt if he knows what he is doing and what is the meaning and rationale of this whole paper is.
Discussion with him revoked me this Einstein's quote.
He is just an intelligent fool and tried to make this paper bigger, more complex, and more violent.

Am I a genius?? Do I have enough courage to move in the opposite direction???
Where is the heart and mind-motivated touch??????

2008年3月16日 星期日

Record Record

Record: a round, flat piece of black plastic on which sound is stored.
Record: a piece of information or an event being written down.

This is my first article in the blog. Almost one year ago, I started to indulge myself into the vinyl record world. I collected records from ebay and "Record Exchange" in Princeton, NJ. Most of them are classical music. I try to make a filemaker database and a listening record of those records. So I keep some notes here. Hope you enjoy it as I do.